Conceal Wiki


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Mission Statement

Conceal.Network is a decentralized blockchain bank that permits users to anonymously send and receive funds, messages, and earn interest on deposits. This is all done using a public ledger, allowing “hack-proof” transactions. At Conceal.Network, we believe banking privacy is a fundamental right and we are paving the way to make that happen.

Decentralized Banking

Deposits from the backbone of the Conceal ecosystem, providing users with an egalitarian form of staking that earns interests on locked deposits. Conceal Investments provide higher interest returns for longer term holders.

Private Transactions

The transactions in the Conceal Network use a minimum level of ring signatures to obfuscate the origins and destinations of all transactions, ensuring they are untraceable and unlinkable.

Encrypted Messaging

A true decentralized, anonymous, untraceable, and end-to-end encrypted messaging service that operates on the blockchain while allowing messages that self-destruct. Future releases will include web and mobile messaging applications.

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