Conceal Wiki


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What is Conceal?

Conceal.Network is a decentralized blockchain bank, with deposits and investments paying interest rates, without involvement of financial institutions, powered by 100% open source code.

Conceal.Network enables untraceable and anonymous messaging, and a secure way to transfer funds. Using a distributed public ledger, the sender and receiver are kept anonymous, a key concern in a post Snowden world. Hackers cannot trace money or messages when the messages are sent across public networks.

Conceal Cryptocurrency (₡CCX) is based on the Cryptonote protocol and runs on a secure peer-to-peer network technology to operate with no central authority. You control the private keys to your funds.

Conceal is accessible by anyone in the world regardless of their geographic location or status. Our blockchain is resistant to any kind of analysis. All your CCX transactions and messages are anonymous.

Conceal avoids many concerns, e.g. technological, environment impact, reputation and security, of Bitcoin, and provides a glimpse of the future.

Conceal is open-source, community driven and truly decentralized.

No one owns Conceal, everyone can take part.

This is the main source of documentation for users of Conceal Cryptocurrency. For more information on the project, please visit our website.

Privacy Oriented Cryptocurrency

Conceal is an open source privacy protected peer-to-peer digital cash system. It's untraceable and completely decentralized, without the need for a central server or trusted parties. Users hold the crypto keys to their own money and transact directly with each other in a secure P2P network environment. It has a decentralized banking system in its core and instant untraceable encrypted messages.

Main Features

Anonymous Banking Encrypted Messages
Deposits form the backbone of the Conceal ecosystem, providing users with an egalitarian form of staking that earns interests on locked deposits. Conceal Investments provide higher interest returns for longer term holders. A true decentralized, anonymous, untraceable, and end-to-end encrypted messaging service that operates on the blockchain while allowing messages that self-destruct. Future releases will include web and mobile messaging applications.
Anonymous Payments Unlinkable Transactions
Conceal uses ring signatures and one-time addresses for truly anonymous payments Conceal's transactions can't be linked between the sender and the recipient.
Protected Proof Of Work Adaptive Limits
PoW hash function is designed for egalitarian CPU & GPU mining and ASIC Resistance. Conceal intelligently adjusts its parameters based on the historical data.
Fungible Scalable
Conceal is truly fungible, thanks to built-in privacy features. Just like cash, all coins are equal, changeable. It is extremely unlikely that a coin will ever be blacklisted by any party due to its association in previous transactions. Future scalability initiatives will include a modular sidechain.

Conceal is an open source EXPERIMENTAL project, which means that there is no company behind it. This project is supported by the community, meaning there is no stable, full-time team and no physical headquarters from which the project runs its operations. The advantage here is that anyone can propose changes or improvements to the block-chain, and, if the suggestion is voted by a majority of people, the changes are then implemented.

This project is intended to be a community project not a commercial product and it relies on the good will of the volunteers involved.

Conceal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful to people, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANT ABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

There is no warranty that the coins generated/accrued will be worth anything.

Enjoy it!


Name Ticker Symbol
Conceal CCX
Mining Algo Diff Privacy
Cryptonight Conceal Zawy's LWMA3 Ring Signatures and One-Time Addresses
Max Supply Deposits Investments
200M CCX Up to 4.16% interest rate per year Up to 7.32% interest rate per year (36.62% max term)
Messenger Block rewards Address Format
Encrypted Messages and Self Destructive Messages Starting on 5 CCX and going up to 20 CCX (+0.25 CCX/month). Currently 8 CCX. String of 98 characters starting with “ccx7”

Emission and coin dynamics

Coin emission comes from two sources.

  1. Mining (100% of block reward goes to miners)
  2. Deposits generating interest when they mature

Mining works as in any PoW coin. but deposits are unique as described bellow. The whole emission was carefully designed as the whole economic of the coin by people who know what they are doing. Here you can see simulated emission in the mathlab for the whole life cycle of the project.

Block rewards

Conceal has a very unique block reward scheme that increases to a max block reward instead of decreasing as in most other coins. This is because we do not want to penalize the late comers and reward only early investors. The emission is slow so this does not increase inflation by much.



Send Receive
0.000100 CCX 0 CCX


Send Permanent Message Self Destructive Message Receiving Encrypted Messages
0.001000 CCX + (0.000010 per char) 0.000100 CCX 0 CCX


Deposits Investments Withdrawals
0.001000 CCX 0.001000 CCX 0.000100 CCX

Miners get 100% of the fees. The block can generate extra coins when the deposit or investment matures. Lets describe how deposits and investments work.

they are TLC (Time Locked Contracts)

The contract consists in a new type of transaction inputs/outputs. It includes amount, destination key and time (expressed in blocks) to lock. Transaction itself contains the field unlock time and output-specific parameters and is included in the blockchain as usual. When the lock time expires the transaction amount will be added with the interest earned giving a new total. Everything happens privately over the Cryptonote Protocol.

So in layman terms when you deposit your coins, a TLC contract is created and stored on the chain and your coins are locked for the duration you selected (until a specific block as calculated from the duration). When that block is reached the coins are unlocked and that block creates additional CCX (as much as your deposit generated) on top of the mining block reward. So lets say a current block reward is 20 CCX and your deposit generated 200 CCX interest. So the block where your deposit matured will generate 220 CCX in total.


Our premine is 6% of the maximum supply. The funds have been locked over a 5 years interval. Every quarter (3 months) a batch of 400k CCX is released to cover operation expenses, exchange listings, marketing and to pay collaborators.

The premine belong to the community as this is a community project. Through collaboration anyone can earn CCX by helping the project grow and evolve. The team is only managing the premine as they manage the project. In fact this wiki was made by community members and they were paid in CCX for making it. People can also get CCX for applying to the CCX Labs and running their own projects in the conceal network environment. As we speak projects are being made by the community and funded by CCX premine.

You can also check how the premine is spent here: There is also verification to show how much funds the project wallet holds at each given time. We try to be as transparent as possible.

Premine batches unlock dates


Main Unit:*1.000000 CCX = 1,000.000 CX = 1,000,000 X

Point Unit: 1.000000 X = 0.001 CX = 0.000001 CCX

Official e-Mail


Hotbit: (Pair: $BTC)

TradeOgre: (Pair: $BTC)

Stex: (Pair: $BTC)

Citex: (Pairs: $BTC & $ETH)

Graviex: (Pairs: $BTC)

FinexBox: (Pair: $BTC)

Sistemkoin: (Pairs: $BTC, $ETH, $TRY, $USD & $EUR)

Altilly: (Pairs: BTC$, $ETH, $USDT)

LetsDoCoinz: (Pair: $BTC)

ProBitEx: (Pair: $BTC)

Azex: (Pair: $BTC)

Team Members

  • FOUNDER & OPS MANAGEMENT: krypt0x (aka 0x)
  • PR & MARKETING MANAGEMENT: okanist (aka Okan)
  • DEVELOPER: bomb-on
  • DEVELOPER: Taegus